Many construction jobs worldwide are done through FYG machinery. Founded in 1970, FYG is the China’s only company fully devoted to construction machinery providing both tailor made machinery and knowledge to the highest standards. Our machines are sold to leading companies in building, road, railway, and bridge constructions and other industries both in China and worldwide.
Our TCseries tower crane has been firstly preferred by construction companies for more than three decades in China and our HZS-series concrete batching plants produced more than 46% of the concrete used to construct China high-speed railways in 2017.Now taking construction technology to the next level is our mission – and that means making it cost-efficient, accurate, future-proof and connected.
We are a market and technology pioneer in construction machinery. Our innovations play a role in virtually every sector of construction industry,from machines for construction material production & logistics to software solutions that pave the way for smart construction sites.